We make your blood visible

We make your blood visible

We make your blood visible

Clinical Chemistry


Do you need clinical chemistry products in high volumes? Then order our bulk reagents. These set you up perfectly for any analysis requirements. If you cannot see the product or fill volume you need in our list, then contact us and we will be delighted to help.

Best. Nr.
R1 R2R3
Albumin BCGAF01M-55 L5L
AF01M10 L10 L
Alcaline Phosphatase DGKC 5+1AF02AB-66 L5 L1 L
AF02AB12 L10 L2 L
Alcaline Phosphatase DGKC 4+1AF21AB-55 L4 L1 L
AF21AB10 L8 L2 L
Alcaline Phosphatase SFBC 5+1AF07AB-66 L5 L1 L
AF07AB12 L10 L2 L
Alcaline Phosphatase SFBC 4+1AF07AB-55 L4 L1 L
AF07AB10 L8 L2 L
Amylase EPS IFCC 5+1AF04AB-61,2 L1 L0,2 L
AF04AB6 L5 L1 L
Amylase EPS IFCC 4+1AF20AB-51 L0,8 L0,2 L
AF20AB5 L4 L1 L
Amylase CNPG-3AF23AB-55 L5 L
AF23AB10 L10 L
Pankreas Amylase EPS IFCC 5+1AF06AB-61,2 L1 L0,2 L
AF06AB6 L5 L1 L
Bilirubin total-direct Jendrassik-GrofBF06ABC-55 L2,5 L0,2 L2,5 L
BF06ABC10 L5 L0,375 L5 L
Bilirubin direct Jendrassik-GrofBF04AB-55 L5 L0,1 L
BF04AB10 L10 L0,2 L
Bilirubin direct Jendrassik-Grof for analysersBF01ABC-66 L5 L1 L0,1 L
BF01ABC12 L10 L2 L0,2 L
Bilirubin total Jendrassik-Grof for analysersBF05ABC-66 L5 L1 L0,1 L
BF05ABC12 L10 L2 L0,2 L
Bilirubin direct VanadateBF07AB-11 L0,8 L0,2 L
BF07AB-55 L4 L1 L
Bilirubin total VanadateBF08AB-11 L0,8 L0,2 L
BF08AB-55 L4 L1 L
Bilirubin Total DCABF03ABC-55 L2,5 L2,5 L5 L
BF03ABC10 L5 L5 L10 L
Calcium ArsenazoCF06M-55 L5 L
CF06M10 L10 L
Calcium OCP CF02AB-55 L2,5 L2,5 L
CF02AB10 L5 L5 L
Chloride CF07M-11 L1 L
CF07M-55 L5 L
CF07M10 L10 L
Cholesterol CF03M-55 L5 L
CF03M10 L10 L
CK-NAC 5+1CF13AB-11,2 L1 L0,2 L
CF13AB-66 L5 L1 L
CF13AB12 L10 L2 L
CK-NAC 4+1CF27AB-11 L0,8 L0,2 L
CF27AB-55 L4 L1 L
CF27AB10 L8 L2 L
CK-MB 5+1CF14AB-11,2 L1 L0,2 L
CF14AB-66 L5 L1 L
CF14AB12 L10 L2 L
CK-MB 4+1CF28AB-11 L0,8 L0,2 L
CF28AB-55 L4 L1 L
CF28AB10 L8 L2 L
Copper CF25M-55 L5 L
CF25M10 L10 L
HDL Cholesterol Phosphotuncstic-acidCF09M-55 L5 L
CF09M10 L10 L
HDL-Cholesterol HomogeneousCF04AB-11,2 L0,9 L0,3 L
CF04AB-66 L4,5 L1,5 L
LDL-Cholesterol fluid (Heparin)CF10M-55 L5 L
CF10M10 L10 L
LDL-Cholesterol HomogenLF05AB-11,2 L0,9 L0,3 L
LF05AB-66 L4,5 L1,5 L
Creatinine Jaffè 1+1CF11AB-55 L2,5 L2,5 L
CF11AB10 L5 L5 L
Creatinine Jaffè for AnalysersCF05AB-66 L5 L1 L
CF05AB12 L10 L2 L
Creatinine PAPCF16AB-11 L0,75 L0,25 L
CF16AB-44 L3 L1 L
Gamma-GT 5+1 GF01AB-66 L5 L1 L
GF01AB12 L10 L2 L
Gamma-GT 4+1 GF11AB-55 L4 L1 L
GF11AB10 L8 L2 L
Glucose GF03M-55 L5 L
GF03M10 L10 L
Glucose HK GF06AB-66 L5 L1 L
GF06AB12 L10 L1 L
GF04AB12 L10 L2 L
GF09AB10 L8 L2 L
GF05AB12 L10 L2 L
GF10AB10 L8 L2 L
Hemoglobin (10 x conc.)HF02M-55 L5 L
HF02M10 L10 L
Iron Feren S IF01AB-11,2 L1 L0,2 L2,5 g
IF01AB-66 L5 L1 L12 g
IF01AB12 L10 L2 L25 g
Iron Nitro PAPS IF02M-11 L1 L
IF02M-55 L5 L
IF02M10 L10 L
Iron TIBCIF08AB-55 L5 L250 g
IF08AB10 L10 L500 g
LactateLF03M-11 L1 L
LF03M-55 L5 L
LF03M10 L10 L
LDH-P 5+1LF01AB-66 L5 L1 L
LF01AB12 L10 L2 L
LDH-P 4+1LF02AB5 L4 L1 L
LF02AB-510 L8 L2 L
LDH-L 5+1LF04AB-66 L5 L1 L
LF04AB12 L10 L2 L
Lipase colorLF09AB-11 L0,66 L0,33 L
Magnesium MF01M-55 L5 L
MF01M10 L10 L
Phosphorous PF01M-55 L5 L
PF01M10 L10 L
PotassiumPF05M-11 L1 L
PF05M-55 L5 L
PF05M10 L10 L
Potassium enzymaticPF09AB1 L0,8 L0,2 L
Potassium enzymatic Standard Set1PF09S2 x 3 ml
Protein total PF04M-55 L5 L
PF04M10 L10 L
Protein total 5+1PF02AB-56 L5 L1 L
PF02AB12 L10 L2 L
Protein CSF PF03M-11 L1 L
PF03M-55 L5 L
PF03M10 L10 L
Prothermal for water bathsPROM10 L10 L
Sodium SF01AB-55 L2,5 L2,5 L
SF01AB10 L5 L5 L
Sodium enzymaticSF05AB1 L0,667 L0,333 L
Sodium enzymatic Standard Set1SF05S2 x 3 ml
TriglyceridesTF01M-55 L5 L
TF01M10 L10 L
Urea ColorUF04AB-55 L5 L0,11 L
UF04AB10 L10 L0,22 L
Urea UV 5+1 UF01AB-66 L5 L1 L
UF01AB12 L10 L2 L
Urea UV 4+1 UF08AB-55 L4 L1 L
UF08AB10 L8 L2 L
Uric acid 5+1UF02AB-66 L5 L1 L
UF02AB12 L10 L2 L
Uric acid 4+1UF02AB-65 L4 L1 L
UF02AB10 L8 L2 L
Uric acid 5+1 ASODUF03AB-66 L5 L1 L
UF03AB12 L10 L2 L
Uric acid 4+1 ASODUF09AB-55 L4 L1 L
UF09AB10 L8 L2 L
ZincZF01M-11 L1 L
ZF01M-55 L5 L
ZF01M10 L10 L
ProduktBest. Nr.Packungsgröße
Albumin FLUID Standard 4 g/dlAF01S-3100 ml
Albumin FLUID Standard 4 g/dlAF01S1 L
Calcium-Arsenazo-III/MTB FLUID Standard 10 mg/dlCF06S-3100 ml
Calcium-Arsenazo-III/MTB FLUID Standard 10 mg/dlCF06S1 L
Calcium-OCP FLUID Standard 10 mg/dlCF02S-3100 ml
Calcium-OCP FLUID Standard 10 mg/dlCF02S1 L
Chloride Standard 100 mmol/lCF07S-3100 ml
Cholesterol FLUID Standard 200 mg/dlCF03S-3100 ml
Cholesterol FLUID Standard 200 mg/dlCF03S1 L
Creatinin-Jaffe-Kin. FLUID 1+1 Standard 2 mg/dlCF11S-3100 ml
Creatinin-Jaffe-Kin. FLUID 1+1 Standard 2 mg/dlCF11S1 L
Glucose-PAP FLUID Standard 100 mg/dlGF03S-3100 ml
Glucose-PAP FLUID Standard 100 mg/dlGF03S1 L
Iron-Ferene-S FLUID Standard 30 µmol/lIF03S-3100 ml
Iron-Ferene-S FLUID Standard 30 µmol/lIF03S1 L
Iron Nitro PAPS Standard 30µmol/l IF09S-3100 ml
Lactat FLUID Standard 30 mg/dlLF01S-3100 ml
Lactat FLUID Standard 30 mg/dlLF01S1 L
Magnesium FLUID Standard 2 mg/dlMF01S-3100 ml
Magnesium FLUID Standard 2 mg/dlMF01S1 L
Phosphorus-UV FLUID Standard 5 mg/dlPF01S-3100 ml
Phosphorus-UV FLUID Standard 5 mg/dlPF01S1 L
Potassium FLUID Standard 5 mmol/lPF05S-3100 ml
Potassium FLUID Standard 5 mmol/lPF05S1 L
Protein total FLUID Standard 4 g/dlPF04S-3100 ml
Protein total FLUID Standard 4 g/dlPF04S1 L
Protein CSF Standard 100 mg/dlPF03S-3100 ml
Protein CSF Standard 100 mg/dlPF03S1 L
Sodium FLUID Standard 150 mmol/lSF01S-3100 ml
Sodium FLUID Standard 150 mmol/lSF01S1 L
Triglycerides Mono FLUID Standard 200 mg/dlTF01S-3100 ml
Triglycerides Mono FLUID Standard 200 mg/dlTF01S1 L
Urea-UV (5+1) FLUID Standard 50 mg/dlUF01S-3100 ml
Urea-UV (5+1) FLUID Standard 50 mg/dlUF01S1 L
Urea-Color Standard 50 mg/dlUF04S-3100 ml
Urea-Color Standard 50 mg/dlUF04S1 L
Uric Acid (5+1) FLUID Standard 6 mg/dlUF02S-3100 ml
Uric Acid (5+1) FLUID Standard 6 mg/dlUF02S1 L
Zinc Standard 200 µg/dlZF01S-3100 ml
Zinc Standard 200 µg/dlZF01S1 L
Best. Nr.ProduktPackungsgröße
ASOPCASO positive Control1 L
CRPPCCRP positive Control1 L
RFPCRF positive Control1 L
ASONCASO negative control1 L
CRPNCCRP negative control1 L
RFNCRF negative control1 L