We make your blood visible

We make your blood visible

We make your blood visible

Clinical chemistry
System Packages

Glucose (GOD-PAP)

Enzymatic colorimetric Test for the determination of Glucose without deproteinization in Serum and Plasma according the GOD-PAP Method
Best. Nr.SystemPackungsgröße Kitkomponenten
GF03911050Hit 704/902/717/911/91210 x 50 ml10 x 50 mlMonoreagent
GF03911100Hit 717/911/9125 x 100 ml5 x 100 ml
GF03911100-BHit 911 barc.5 x 100 ml5 x 100 ml
GF03917067-BHit 917/Modular P barc.10 x 67 ml10 x 67 ml
GF03917067Olympus non barc.10 x 67 ml10 x 67 ml
GF03SEL025Selectra10 x 25 ml10 x 25 ml
GF03M20040Mindray4 x 40 ml4 x 40 ml

Glucose (Hexokinase)

Best. Nr.SystemPackungsgröße KitkomponentenVerhältnis
GF02917084-BHit 917/Modular P barc.6 x 84 ml6 x 67 ml5+1
6 x 17 ml
GF02917084Olympus non barc.6 x 84 ml6 x 67 ml
6 x 17 ml