We make your blood visible

We make your blood visible

We make your blood visible

System Packages


This method utilizes the interaction of antigen and antibody to directly determine the HbA1c in whole blood by an agglutination reaction.
Best. Nr.AnwendungPackungsgröße
HF04911040Hit 9112 x 105 ml Lysis
1 x 30 ml
1 x 10 ml
HF049110804 x 105 ml Lysis
4 x 24 ml
4 x 8 ml
HF04000120-4Selectra4 x 105 ml Lysis
2 x 30 ml
2 x 10 ml
HF04917040Olympus2 x 60 ml Lysis
1 x 30 ml
1 x 12 ml