We make your blood visible

We make your blood visible

We make your blood visible

Clinical chemistry

Iron Ferene-S

Colorimetric determination of Iron in Serum and Plasma with the Feren-S method
Best. Nr.Packungsgröße Kitkomponenten
IF010000602 x 60 ml2 x 50 mlReagent 1
1 x 20 mlReagent 2
1 x 2,5 mlPowder
1 x 3 gStandard
IF01000060-44 x 60 ml4 x 50 mlReagent 1
2 x 20 mlReagent 2
1 x 2.5 gPowder
1 x 3 mlStandard

Iron TIBC with precipitation

Colorimetric determination of the Total Iron Binding Capacity with Magnesiumcarbonate in Serum (Iron Ferene-S Reagent is additionally required)
Best. Nr.Packungsgröße Kitkomponenten
IF080000502 x 50 ml2 x 50 mlMonoreagent
1 x 5 gPowder

Iron Nitro PAPS

Colorimetric determination of Iron in Serum and Plasma with the Nitro-PAPS method
Best. Nr.Packungsgröße Kitkomponenten
IF020000502 x 50 ml2 x 50 mlMonoreagent
1 x 3 mlStandard
IF02000050-44 x 50 ml4 x 50 mlMonoreagent
1 x 3 mlStandard